Tuesday 9 April 2013


When you're out in the wilderness, one of the most important things to be is safe. Apart from clothing, water, food and navigation, staying safe is just as important. What do I mean by 'safe'?

Imagine being miles from anywhere and you've miscalculated the distance from your base, or there's a storm about to break out to which you were not anticipating...what can you do and use to remain safe and comfortable?

Firstly, we would need light to guide our way and help seek shelter, so a torch or flashlight would be a godsend. There are many torches available, some small enough to slip into your pocket or sit in a small compartment of your backpack, and then there's my choice...a headlight. These are powerful but light to carry, and the best thing is, you don't need to use your hands to work them and they're always pointing in the direction you want to see.

It's a good idea to carry waterproof matches to light a fire for warmth, keep critters away and be a beacon for whoever might be looking for you, should you be lost. At the very least you should carry a flint fire starter to spark a fire from dry kindling. Again, these items are light enough to not cause you any bother whatsoever.

Another tiny piece of essential equipment for your safety is a whistle. They take up no room, but could be a life saver. 3 short hard blasts is the usual signal for a distress call. Don't discount this idea, a whistle can penetrate a thick wooded area much more effectively than your voice.

You could always take a basic survival kit with you if your in more hostile areas which would include, survival blanket, snare and sewing kit among other survival tools. It doesn't need to be big, just enough little tools to at least give you a better chance of being comfortable and safer.

I see many hikers not even giving survival tools a second thought. One day they just might take Mother Nature for granted and get caught out. Don't let this happen to you. Have a look around at some safety and survival tools that are available and realize, they don't take up much room and could save your life. It's so much better to be safe than sorry.

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