Thursday 11 April 2013

First Aid

OK...some folk might say this is a boring subject and may overlook the importance of taking a first aid kit along with you when out hiking, but let me tell's a very important subject and should not be just brushed off as 'going over the top'!

What if you sprain an ankle and have no means of supporting the ankle? Surely a tight bandage would help? Or maybe you've cut yourself or been stung, or need cream to sooth a burn or rash?

When out on a hike, you can't just pop to a cupboard and get're miles away from any sort of first aid equipment. Many part time hikers think they don't need to be carrying around a first aid kit, they think it's not worth it, after all, they'll only be away for a few hours.

You can be an hour into a hike and receive a nasty cut from a jagged rock or branch or any number of other sharp objects...what are you going to do? Bleed to death?

Well, perhaps not, but you will need something to stem the blood and stop it becoming infected.

You may be only a mile away from human contact, but if you're ankle has been sprained or twisted, wouldn't it be easier to reach that contact in less pain with the support of a good bandage?

First aid kits don't have to be huge affairs. These day a good first aid kit takes up only a small part of you backpack, they are designed to be small and compact to allow easy carriage.

And, they're not expensive. you can pick up a decent basic kit for around £25 ($35) and it will include all the essentials like bandages, tweezers, band-aids, antiseptic wipes, gauze, aspirin, creams and a whole host of other products that can aid you.

Don't ever take your safety and recovery for granted. Another common problem for hikers are blisters, taking a first aid kit with you will ensure you have the cream and band-aids to overcome this uncomfortable condition.

So, next time you're out and about and you haven't got a first aid kit with you, think of what you would do if you did get an injury. What would you be able to do to make that injury more comfortable and maintained. Nothing.

A First Aid definitely goes on the list of 10 essentials for hiking.

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